01 June 2024

Winter is here, and along with the colder weather comes an increase in the transmission of viruses including COVID and the flu. Winter viruses are already very active and occurring in high numbers this year.

The health of our people is our priority, so here are some tips on how to keep yourself and those around you safe from illness this winter.


Ability Options strongly encourages our people to stay up to date with their vaccinations to reduce the risk of getting sick and spreading viruses in the community and to loved ones.

Speak to your healthcare professional about getting an influenza vaccination and COVID booster. These vaccinations can be booked at your GP or local pharmacy.

NSW Health has information on COVID vaccination on their website. But in general, NSW Health recommends your next vaccination should either be:

  • Six (6) months after your previous vaccination.
  • Six (6) months after you were last COVID-19 positive.


Another good way to keep safe is to make sure you practice good personal hygiene, especially when in close and prolonged contact with other people.

By practicing good hygiene, you can protect yourself and others around you from spreading viruses and bacteria that can cause illness.

Steps you can take include:

  • washing your hands often for 20 seconds with soap and water
  • using alcohol-based hand sanitisers when you can’t use soap and water
  • avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth
  • ensuring indoor spaces are well ventilated
  • cleaning and disinfecting surfaces you use often, like benchtops, desks and doorknobs
  • cleaning and disinfecting objects you use often, like mobile phones, keys, wallets and work passes

Please stay safe this winter season.

Do you know someone who could benefit from our services?

Refer them to Ability Options to help them get the support they want and deserve.

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