

A reminder to stay safe this winter

Winter is here, and along with the colder weather comes an increase in the transmission of viruses including COVID and the flu. Winter viruses are already very active and occurring in high numbers this year. The health of our people is our priority, so here are some tips on how to keep yourself and those around you safe from illness this winter. Vaccinations Ability Options strongly encourages our people to stay up to date with their vaccinations to reduce the risk of getting sic... CONTINUE READING

My Take: Julia on the NDIS Review

The National Disability Insurance Scheme has undergone its ten-year review and released its historic final report. This report continues to be a topic of discussion for a sector that looks to its recommendations with hope for a more inclusive Australia. Ability Options’ CEO Julia Squire says she, like many in... CONTINUE READING

Strength in support the highlight of FY2022-23 for Ability Options, Annual Report out now

Breaking barriers to employment, supporting people to live more independently, and growing as an organisation would be three highlights of Ability Options’ last 12 months.   Our 2022-23 Annual Report is jam-packed full of the amazing stories from across our community, from participants reaching their goals living more inde... CONTINUE READING

December 2023 – COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 transmission continues to increase in the community with the eighth wave predicted to peak in December. Community transmission in NSW is now moderate to high which means the pandemic is still a major issue with widespread vaccination softening. Several easy but important COVID-safe behaviours helped keep us safe during the pandemic and these little things can still make a big difference now. Please stay home if you have any cold or flu symptoms and consider wearing a mask if you need... CONTINUE READING