
Routine is important to your wellbeing. Having a routine can be a valuable form of communication – it helps us to know what’s coming up and when, what others may say or do, and what is expected of us. But starting up a new routine, or adding to your existing one, can make anyone feel nervous. Or even nervous-excited.

Everyone processes things differently, whether you have restricted mobility, speech difficulties, vision impairment, or sensory issues, starting up a new routine can be daunting. But at Ability Options, we’re here to help.

Specifically, if you or someone you care about has difficulty communicating their needs, Ability Options’ Speech Pathologists can:

  • Work with people with disability and their communication partners (family, guardians, carers, teachers, or support workers) to develop functional communication;
  • Can support people with disability to understand what is happening and why; and
  • Can identify what makes a person feel safe and secure and provide training to new supports so new activities can happen in new places safely.

A Speech Pathologist forms an important part of a multidisciplinary team, because working alongside others such as family, occupational therapists, behaviour clinicians, psychologists, teachers and support workers helps identify overall holistic and person-centred needs, which is critical to ensuring participant wellbeing and delivering successful results.

Change and trying new things is an important part of life, and no-one should feel left out. It is a rite of passage – moving schools, turning 18, starting a new job. Ability Options is here to help you live the life you choose to lead. We support you to do this in a safe, positive, and enjoyable way – let’s try something new and learn new things together.

If you or someone you know requires speech pathology support with their NDIS Plan, don’t hesitate to get in touch and find out how we can support you and your needs! We have immediate availability for speech pathology appointments in the Hunter. Call us on 1300 422 454 or visit our therapy services page to find out more.

Therapy Services

Do you know someone who could benefit from our services?

Refer them to Ability Options to help them get the support they want and deserve.

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