For people with disabilities, it’s important to have access to community facilities, find opportunities for socialising and skill building.
That’s exactly why Ability Options Community access groups have been exploring the local area, with an exciting new addition to the programs called “Damper Days”.

During “Damper Days” the group members are supported at the Narrating Reserve to set up an open fire in a control environment, collect the wood, prepare the ingredients and bake Damper in a camp oven.
This had been highly popular, with some of the participants coming up with recipe ideas for the day. This day really has represented an Explore Gather, Build, Learn philosophy, resulting in enthusiastic and confident participants.
The participants really enjoy the program and they gain a lot of cooking skills and other life skills from it.

Program Coordinator, Maree says “We keep our focus on the people we support and we receive great job satisfaction knowing we have put a smile or a self-achievement or supporting a participant with an ongoing life skill or goal is the most rewarding job in the world.

To us as a team being a mentor or a friendly shoulder to turn while remembering our Ability Options values is the reason we love our job and respect and advocate for our participants.”

Do you know someone who could benefit from our services?

Refer them to Ability Options to help them get the support they want and deserve.

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