Harry is a participant of WorkReady and has experienced significant growth in his time with our service. During this time, he has achieved many goals, including; working on the driver knowledge test, improving social skills, handling money, increasing his independent living and travel skills. In addition, Harry’s consultant also supported him to complete a First Aid Course, Certificate I in Information, Digital Media and Technology, Certificate II in Hospitality, and accomplish his goal of gaining work experience in an outdoor environment.

Harry’s employment goal is to be a handyman. To accomplish this, Harry’s consultant connected him with Bushbred Horse Assisted Learning located in Llandilo for a work experience placement.

Harry has taken on various tasks around the farm, including repairing and setting up shade tents, assisting with the installation and repairing of fences, installing bolts and brackets on the horse carriage as well as, moving gravel and firewood. These manual tasks have enabled Harry to understand how every workday is different. Harry has worked with his consultant closely each Tuesday at Work Experience.

Well done, Harry!

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