One of our Support Workers, Myra Tito, was invited to attend the Australian Services Union (ASU) conference, representing Ability Options.

As one of the largest trade unions in Australia, the ASU is a strong advocate for the rights of working people and is committed to making the NDIS the best it can be for people with disability, workers, and society.

The two-day conference saw frontline disability workers come together for their first face-to-face conference in three years. Disability delegates led a discussion about portable entitlements, such as long service leave, and how it will help grow the NDIS workforce.

Myra had a great experience at the conference, saying:

“It was a privilege and [an] honour to be there. I enjoyed listening to different talks and participating in discussions at the conference,” Myra said.

“I loved meeting and sharing my thoughts with other passionate people working in the disability sector.”

During the conference, Myra also had the privilege of meeting Bill Shorten MP, who is currently serving as Minister for the NDIS and Minister for Government Services.

Find out more about the NDIS here.

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