Vanessa had been living in a nursing home after being hospitalised, after she developed a long-term illness. This illness resulted in Vanessa becoming completely blind and needing to use a wheelchair for mobility. Prior to her diagnosis, Vanessa had lived independently and had also run her own hairdressing business.

Vanessa wanted to change her living arrangements and after receiving a Supported Assessment, she connected with our Support Coordinator, Karmen, who worked with Vanessa to plan for a move to Supported Independent Living.

After an extensive search to find a property to meet all of Vanessa’s wishes, Karmen organised for them to visit a brand new Supported Independent Living (SIL) property, which Vanessa loved. Ten days later, the new home was Vanessa’s!

Karmen and Vanessa’s Support Worker, Eve met Vanessa at her new home in the Newcastle area and assisted her to move her items in and get settled. Following the move, Vanessa expressed how much she was enjoying her new found freedom, having choice and control of her life and independence.

Vanessa is very optimistic about her future and looks forward to being able to get out and about on a more regular basis, as well as focusing on improving her physical abilities. Vanessa is particularly looking forward to going for a pamper session in a salon and getting back to hydrotherapy.

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