
Seabreeze and Bonville – New Mid-North Coast Respite Homes for people with disability now open

Ability Options has re-opened their Seabreeze and Bonville Respite Homes in Port Macquarie and Coffs Harbour, following COVID-19 challenges of 2020 which led to an unforeseen year-long closure without Respite Services in the area. Respite Services provide short-term accommodation for people with disability and their carers to relax, or simply take a short break. This is either a planned holiday, or somewhere for... CONTINUE READING

Ability Options’ 2024 employment campaign helps 328 people find work in the lead up to Christmas

In 2024, our Employment Services team ran a campaign to help more people across New South Wales find meaningful, lasting jobs by Christmas Day. By the end of the campaign, our teams supported 328 participants to secure jobs in a variety of industries....