Support Coordination, also called Coordination of Supports or COS, helps you navigate and achieve your NDIS plan and goals by connecting you to community support. Ability Options helps you maximise your COS NDIS plan by considering your specific needs and providing support around any challenges you may face. Learn more about our Support Coordination services today.

At Ability Options, we have over 40 Disability Support Coordinators with extensive experience in the disability sector. Our Support Coordinators are incredibly passionate about supporting you to make the most out of your COS NDIS plan. We teach you the skills you need to understand and execute your plan while providing a good mix of support to ensure you maintain positive relationships and develop the confidence to live independently and participate within your community.

Our Disability Support Coordinators are also highly flexible and help you navigate unforeseen changes or challenges. Our team understands that your needs can change and will work with you and your support circle to ensure that your NDIS and life goals are met. We always ensure your goals and needs are top priorities and remain committed to helping you use your chosen support.

How we can help you with your COS NDIS plan

You know what you want to get out of life — let us give you the tools and resources to help you achieve your goals. Our disability support coordinators will work to help you understand and bring your COS NDIS plan to life so that you can choose the right supports and providers that meet your needs and goals. You can be supported to:

  • Manage your chosen supports — We’ll help you develop the independence and confidence to manage your support network. This helps you develop your relationship-building skills and learn how to ask for what you need from the right resources.
  • Work with your support circle (family, friends, service providers) — We help get the right people involved in your COS NDIS plan, from family members to appropriate service providers. With us on your side and the right people in your corner, you’ll feel empowered to take control and reach your goals.
  • Monitor your goal progression — Whether you need help setting short and long-term goals, our disability support coordinators have the skills to help you determine what you want most. And if you choose to focus on a specific goal or area of your NDIS plan, we will help you get there in no time.
  • Build and develop your ability to control your own future — At Ability Options, we understand there’s no better feeling than being in control of your life, which is why our team is dedicated to helping you live as independently as you can.

Where are we located?

You can rest easy knowing that our Support Coordination services are widely accessible, no matter where you are in Australia. Our Support Coordination services are available in Greater Sydney, the Central Coast, the Hunter Region and the Mid-North Coast. Our team also provides virtual support for people living remotely or in other states of Australia. To find out more about how our team can help fulfil your COS NDIS plan, fill out the form below to contact us today.

Our NDIS coordination of supports specialties

If it’s your first time managing your NDIS plan, it’s not uncommon for things to feel overwhelming and difficult to understand. Our team can support you in navigating the NDIS, and we have specific expertise in supporting people:

  • With high physical needs
  • With intellectual disability and autism
  • In aged care
  • With mental health challenges
  • In the Justice System (Department of Communities and Justice – DCJ)
  • Who are young and in Residential Aged Care (YPiRAC)

Discover our Coordination of Supports services today

Whether you’re interested in pursuing independent living, employment or further study and education within your NDIS plan, the team at Ability Option are here to help. We have many years of experience within the disability field and have the skills to provide proper guidance and support so that you can achieve your goals.

If you would like to explore our other available disability service options, feel free to get in touch today.


Do you know someone who could benefit from our services?

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