On National Close the Gap Day, Ability Options’ Quality and Risk Compliance Officer Toni-Ann in her own words highlighted the importance of this day and spoke to the personal experiences of First Nations people. 

What does National Close the Gap Day mean to me?

This is an overly personal day for me as it impacts me as a mother, a daughter, a grand-daughter, a sister, an aunty, a niece, a cousin, and a friend all-in-one. The health and wellbeing of my mob is of utmost importance to me. The actions we take today will positively impact the future, and I dream of a time when the life expectancy and health outcomes of my people reach their full potential. 

“National Close the Gap Day is led by our First Nations people for First Nations people. No one is better placed to speak and advocate on our behalf than us.”

– Toni-Ann.

My Close the Gap Day typically involves participating in an event hosted by my local Aboriginal Health Service, sharing a yarn with uncles and aunties, enjoying good food and company, and uniting with a shared focus on achieving the best health and wellbeing outcomes for our people. 

The education and awareness raised through National Close the Gap Day are invaluable, even if it reaches only a small number of people. This is important for our Indigenous communities, as knowledge is power. 

What’s Closing the Gap all about? 

‘Closing the Gap’ recognises the importance of our nation committing to achieving better health outcomes for my people. It highlights that increasing the life expectancy and wellbeing of my mob is prioritised and that we as a nation are working towards an overall healthier future for First Nations people. By participating in the day, we raise awareness of health and social issues, encourage discussion, action, and we empower First Nations people to unite, drive change within our communities, and improve outcomes for future generations. Increased media presence and event promotions also foster education and curiosity. 

 Empowering and uniting our mob further drives awareness and better health outcomes. This is a positive change in society as the self-worth of First Nations people is increased, knowing that we are valued, and our health and wellbeing is being fought for. Putting us in the driving seat is leading and achieving for a healthier future.  

Closing the Gap at Ability Options 

I’m proud to work for Ability Options. Our work aligns with the values of Closing the Gap. Our organisation is a driving force for upholding human rights and is instrumental in identifying and facilitating opportunities for improved outcomes for all participants and staff members. We provide Cultural Awareness training to staff and significant First Nations dates are recognised and celebrated.  

Ability Options is committed to increasing engagement with First Nations people and fostering collaboration. A prime example is our Mid North Coast Accommodation team in Port Macquarie, who supported me in creating a community access program. This initiative, involving the Indigenous Marathon Foundation Running and Walking (IMF RAW), improved health and wellbeing while building community connections. Today, seven years on since the program was rolled out, these participants still attend, and have progressed to five kilometre runs, earning medals and awards in that time. 

Everyone at Ability Options plays a role in improving outcomes for First Nations people. This means creating an inclusive, respectful, and culturally safe environment free from bias and discrimination. Ensuring our interactions with people leave them feeling valued and respected is important as it reinforces that they are worthy of improved outcomes just as anyone else is. 

Ability Options shows commitment to improved outcomes for our First Nations colleagues and participants through advocacy, recognition, collaboration, and empowerment – all core values and principles of National Close the Gap Day.    

Our Identity 

Our identity is the foundation of who we are, shaped by our culture, traditions, and significant dates that connect us to our country, community, and spirituality. The greatest gift you can give is your time. By committing to improving outcomes for our people and honouring what matters to us, you strengthen our connection and contribute to healing historical and intergenerational trauma. 

It is my greatest desire to see the celebration and acknowledgement of First Nations significant events in workplace and beyond to be fluid and less tokenistic, but this requires further education, partnership and commitment to continuous improvement. 

Do you know someone who could benefit from our services?

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