Ability Options has re-opened their Seabreeze and Bonville Respite Homes in Port Macquarie and Coffs Harbour, following COVID-19 challenges of 2020 which led to an unforeseen year-long closure without Respite Services in the area.

Respite Services provide short-term accommodation for people with disability and their carers to relax, or simply take a short break. This is either a planned holiday, or somewhere for people to take time away from daily routines.

A stay in a respite home can range from overnight to a few weeks and the benefits are well documented for both carers and the person receiving respite care.

Ability Options Respite Client Liaison Officer, Samantha Hannon added that

“The health and wellbeing of disability carers is of the utmost importance. A break from regular duties allows for continued, sustained involvement of carers in the lives of their loved one. It also allows their loved ones’ independent space in a new comfortable environment with the support they require from experienced and welcoming support workers.”

All Seabreeze and Bonville staff are trained and experienced in supporting people with disability. This support includes epilepsy management, medication management, enteral feeding, manual handling, positive behaviour support, First Aid, and CPR.

Seabreeze and Bonville are spacious, fully accessible, 5-bedroom, purpose-built homes offering people with disability a chance to relax in a comfortable and safe environment, with the option of exploring somewhere new if they choose. Residents can also meet and socialise with people of similar interests.
Both units have a soft fall play area, outdoor BBQ, picnic area and a fully equipped kitchen.

Port Macquarie and Coffs Harbour’s range of activities includes visiting local beaches, fishing, whale-watching, exploring on rainforest walks, visiting North Coast Botanic Garden, Big Banana Fun Park, Timbertown, Cowarra Dam, markets, cinemas, and restaurants.

Funded by the NDIS, Short Term Respite Accommodation is available under Line Item 01_058_0115_1_1 of the NDIS Price Guide. This covers the cost of care for up to 14 days at a time. Those supported by the NDIS are advised to look for ‘STA and Assistance (Inc. Respite)’ in the NDIS Support Catalogue if they’re unsure whether STA/Respite falls under their plan.

Do you know someone who could benefit from our services?

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