

What is Psychosocial Disability & How Can the NDIS Help?

Psychosocial Disability (PSD) is a term used to describe disabilities that may arise, due to mental health issues. There is potential for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) to greatly improve the lives of people living with psychosocial disability, however a recent survey from ACT Mental Health Consume... CONTINUE READING

How to find the right disability allowances for your circumstances

Australia has a history and heritage in looking after our most vulnerable, and for people living with disabilities, this means there are a range of allowances available for those who qualify. Unfortunately, it can be confusing to determine what allowances are available to a person living with a disability, but with a little research you will be able to work out what support you’re entitled to. Some key allowances available to people living with disabilities: 1. Carer allowance... CONTINUE READING

Everything to know about the Disability Support Pension

What is the disability support pension? The Disability Support Pension (DSP) is a social security benefit offered through the Australian Government’s Department of Human Services that aims to provide support to those who meet the requirements. This includes individuals with a permanent physical, intellectual, or psychiatric condition that stops them from working and therefore earning money. It’s also offered to support those who are permanently blind.... CONTINUE READING

How to proactively tackle feeling under-qualified in a job search

The job search process can be discouraging but the reality is that even the most experienced job-seekers can feel that they lack the right experience for the job they want. It’s important during this time to embrace your experience and find the right way to improve upon our existing skills to increase the chances of landing your dream job. Before you submit your resume, there are a few things you can do to heighten your chances of reaching an interview, even if you aren’t completely quali... CONTINUE READING