

Common interview questions and how to answer them

If you have been out of the workplace for a while or have limited professional experience, an interview isn’t the place to worry about your shortcomings. After all, an interview is an opportunity to get your foot in the door. Being able to anticipate the potential questions and answer them with ease will go a long way in turning a job interview, into a job. Interview questions are designed to highlight three things about a candidate- whether they have the skills to do the job, their level o... CONTINUE READING

8 tips for getting hired after a career break

Entering the workforce after a career break can be intimidating. No matter how long you’ve been away from your role or the reasons for your break, trying to ‘fill in the gaps’ in your resume is stressful. While taking a career break may seem like a roadblock to career progression, it can be a very good opportunity to learn new skills and gain a better insight into what you want out of your next job. This is the perfect time to regroup and bring your very best self to your next job inter... CONTINUE READING

How to write a good resume

A resume is the most important document when applying for a job. Nailing your resume is essential, since it’s the first thing an employer sees. Your resume should outline your educational and working history and essentially make you stand out from all other job applicants. Creating a well-written resume is a must; it doesn’t matter how qualified you are or how suitable you are for the job, if your resume is poorly written then you’re unlikely to make it to the interview stage. The followin... CONTINUE READING