

Common interview questions and how to answer them

If you have been out of the workplace for a while or have limited professional experience, an interview isn’t the place to worry about your shortcomings. After all, an interview is an opportunity to get your foot in the door. Being able to anticipate the potential questions and answer them with ease will go a long way in turning a job interview, into a job. Interview questions are designed to highlight three things about a candidate- whether they have the skills to do the job, their level o... CONTINUE READING

Tips for hiring for seasonal fluctuations

Work that doesn’t occur all year-round is referred to as seasonal work, and companies will hire additional staff in line with seasonal fluctuations. These times of year can be very stressful, especially if you fail to anticipate staffing needs and cash flow, or don’t understand your obligations when hiring temporary staff. With this in mind, here are some tips for hiring with seasonal fluctuations. 1. Hire ahead of time Not having enough staff available to cover busy periods is on... CONTINUE READING

How to proactively tackle feeling under-qualified in a job search

The job search process can be discouraging but the reality is that even the most experienced job-seekers can feel that they lack the right experience for the job they want. It’s important during this time to embrace your experience and find the right way to improve upon our existing skills to increase the chances of landing your dream job. Before you submit your resume, there are a few things you can do to heighten your chances of reaching an interview, even if you aren’t completely quali... CONTINUE READING

The benefits of trialling a young person to grow your business

Over the past six years, small and medium businesses have created over one million new jobs. New businesses and established companies are always looking for ways to grow, and this doesn’t always have to involve complex investments, or new business plans. Trialling a young person can grow your business in many different ways. Work trials Asking a potential employee to undergo a short work trial before hiring them can be beneficial to the growth of a company. A work trial is a way... CONTINUE READING

Best jobs for people living with disability

As society progressively moves away from past prejudices, more and more positions in the workforce for people with a disability are appearing. No matter the disability, individuals can use their skills to achieve great things in the workforce. Everyone is capable of working and workplaces, meaning there’s a wide variety of available jobs for people living with a disability. Finance Financial institutions are considered to be one of the highest employers of job hunters with disabilit... CONTINUE READING

8 ways to confidently talk about your disability during every stage of your job search

If you have a disability, you may find it tricky to work out when exactly to tell your employer about it, or, even if you are legally obligated to let them know. In truth, disclosing a disability is completely up to the individual. People with a disability are not legally obligated to let a potential or an existing employer know. However, it is wise to weigh up your options and be prepared to talk about your disability with confidence. Talking about your disability during a job hunt S... CONTINUE READING

8 tips for getting hired after a career break

Entering the workforce after a career break can be intimidating. No matter how long you’ve been away from your role or the reasons for your break, trying to ‘fill in the gaps’ in your resume is stressful. While taking a career break may seem like a roadblock to career progression, it can be a very good opportunity to learn new skills and gain a better insight into what you want out of your next job. This is the perfect time to regroup and bring your very best self to your next job inter... CONTINUE READING