

How to reduce employee turnover

Employee turnover is something that every business with workers will experience. Yet, when employee turnover does occur, it costs the business time, money and productivity. Businesses with a high employee turnover don’t have to change their operating procedures. Instead, management may want to consider a few key strategies to keep employees happy and satisfied at work so that turnover rates can decrease. Why it’s important to reduce employee turnover While it is unrealistic to bel... CONTINUE READING

The benefits of trialling a young person to grow your business

Over the past six years, small and medium businesses have created over one million new jobs. New businesses and established companies are always looking for ways to grow, and this doesn’t always have to involve complex investments, or new business plans. Trialling a young person can grow your business in many different ways. Work trials Asking a potential employee to undergo a short work trial before hiring them can be beneficial to the growth of a company. A work trial is a way... CONTINUE READING

Benefits of flexible working arrangements for your business

With advancements in technology giving people the ability to access important pieces of information wherever they are, there’s no longer a need for employees to work in an office to be productive. Flexible working arrangements allow employees to negotiate a less rigid working arrangement to improve work-life balance and their overall contribution to their company. If your business and its employees are struggling with long commutes, conflicting schedules, and poor productivity; perhaps you... CONTINUE READING