27 November 2022

The 2021-22 Ability Options Annual Report is now available to read online. This year, we have focussed on leadership, how that has been demonstrated across the Ability Options community, and how much value great leadership right through our Ability Options Community offers to participants and our Mission. 

The Annual Report reflects on the work our people have done over the course of the last financial year supporting participants to live the lives they choose bolstering our core values of Trust, Respect, Inclusion, Courage, and to Lead. 

Chair of the Board Dr Robert Lang identifies what leadership means at Ability Options and how our staff and participants have been leaders. He touches on the progress of the Ability Options Board over the last financial year and about the future for the organisation under our new strategy. 

CEO Julia Squire’s article talks to the resilience our people have shown through over two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, our sector advocacy, and how we are amplifying the voices of participants in our services. 

Members of the Executive Team share updates on their areas of the business, while we share important stories from our people that demonstrate the first-hand benefits our services provide to participants and staff. 

One of those stories includes Lauren, who was a participant in our ParentsNext program. She achieved her employment goal of joining our Human Resources Team through a challenging journey where she navigated motherhood, being a single parent, and finding employment that she was passionate about.

Our partnership with Vegepods has seen a wellbeing boost across many of our residential sites as participants learn about gardening and the importance of nutrition.

Finally, the Editor of our participant newsletter TheVoice Rafael Sanchez-Bayo, pens his thoughts about the importance of being your own leader and shared his personal experience navigating some of the challenges around living with disability.

You can find the full digital version of the 2021-22 Annual Report on our website here.

If you would like to receive a printed copy, please get in touch with our Communications Team at communications@abilityoptions.org.au. 

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