30 October 2023

Earlier this month, we hosted a Community Afternoon Tea to celebrate the final stage of Mid North Coast disability services provider R&R Care joining the Ability Options family. Welcoming colleagues, participants, families, carers, as well as Coffs Harbour City Council Mayor Paul Amos, the day acknowledged the legacy of R&R Care and signified a new era for our organisation and the people we proudly support on the Mid North Coast. 


Advancing the legacy of R&R Care 

Much like Ability Options, R&R Care has had a long-standing history of providing services to the community. For more than 40 years, R&R has proudly supported greater social and community engagement, wellbeing and inclusion for people living with disability. It was announced in December 2022 that R&R Care would be joining the Ability Options Family. Since then, a lot of work has been done in supporting our new colleagues to adopt Ability Options’ systems and processes, as they continue to deliver high-quality services to participants.  

While R&R Care has integrated into one of the largest not-for-profit providers in New South Wales, the heart of what it does remains the same. Its shared vision of inclusion and our mission to inspire and lead communities will further advance R&R Care’s legacy and support for people with disability across the Mid North Coast. 


Positive steps towards growth and opportunity 

Opening the event, Ability Options Senior Manager – Disability, Daniela Shaw acknowledged both the strong history and legacy of R&R Care in the region and highlighted the many positive steps and opportunities the transition to Ability Options has provided. 








Pictured left to right:
Ability Options Senior Manager – Disability, Daniela Shaw, Carla Beachley of Privada Farm, and Ability Options CEO, Julia Squire.

CEO, Julia Squire was really delighted to be able to join the participants, families and staff to celebrate and continue R&R’s legacy. She reiterated Ability Options deep community connections on the mid north coast including in Coffs Harbour and confirmed ongoing support and investment to continue the great work R&R have done for so many years.  

“We have an ever-growing footprint, commitment to and investment in the communities we care so deeply about. This extends to investing in the services people choose, in jobs and careers for local people and in ensuring people with disability and those who need support to gain employment can control their lives and achieve the outcomes they want.”  


Our Proud Purchase of Privada Farm 








Pictured above from left to right, Ability Options CEO, Julia Squire, and Ability Options Senior Manager – Disability, Daniela Shaw

Julia took the opportunity at the afternoon tea to announce the purchase of Privada Farm, a 20-acre property that offers disability support services on the Mid North Coast region which has been utilised by participants for some time. The Farm is a fun-filled place for participants to experience therapeutic support, a connection to nature, and to socialise with the many different farm animals on the property.  







Pictured: Afternoon tea guests meeting some of their new furry Privada Farm friends. 

We’re thrilled to be able to provide the Privada Farm experience to more people, foster inclusion and a greater community connection on the Mid North Coast and support local NDIS participants to develop their skills and achieve greater outcomes. Our purchase also offers further employment to locals wanting to support people in their communities or with an interest in working on the farm.  

Thank you to everyone who attended, especially our participants for choosing us to help you thrive, grow, and live your lives to the fullest. Your voice continues to guide us in this exciting new chapter for Ability Options.  



Do you know someone who could benefit from our services?

Refer them to Ability Options to help them get the support they want and deserve.

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