
Our WorkReady program has fostered a partnership with OzHarvest, a leading food rescue organisation. OzHarvest work with thousands of food donors and provide work experience in their markets. Seven lucky participants are taking part in their Nutrition Education and Skills Training (NEST) Program. The Program is evidence-based, and promotes public health, food security, it teaches life skills to people, exploring important aspects of culinary education.



On Friday 19 Feb, WorkReady Participants were lucky enough to have their voices amplified, as they learned from celebrity chef, Kylie Kwong how to cook a delicious brunch of poached shakshuka eggs in tomato sauce. Participants learned new tips and tricks, as well as advice on frugal, simple and easy meals for life.


Chef and Restaurateur Kylie Kwong is not only a successful chef, but a down-to-earth and authentic example of someone with a culinary and culturally diverse palette, having learned to cook at a mere 5 years old!



“Cooking isn’t about fancy ingredients or technical skills; it comes from the heart and the intention that you put in.” – Kylie Kwong



As one of the first organisations to take part in this re-born program, we celebrate the fact that our valuable WorkReady program provides an abundance of valuable, skill-based experiences for participants just like this. This experience has opened up the door for more partnerships and helpful, similar events in-future.



This momentous experience for participants was amplified on the big screen! Studio 10 did a live-cross of the occasion, highlighting participants’ and their learnings. Participants’ fun experiences of the day will be long-lasting. The seven lucky participants had a wonderful time, thanks to the efforts of our WorkReady Team/s and the City of Sydney.



“I’m a massive fan of Kylie Kwong. I really enjoyed learning about frugal meals that are simple and on a budget.” – WorkReady Participant



The joint efforts of this day not only helped participants, but at large, served as a stepping-stone for the promotion of good health, food literacy and wellbeing in local communities and the Sydney LGA. We look forward to giving our participants a voice through not only our own programs, but further amazing partnerships such as this one!


Our WorkReady team equips you with the skills, knowledge, and real-world experience for you to enter/re-enter work, or gain further training with confidence.

Do you know someone who could benefit from our services?

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