

Five mental health tips to help you through the festive season

It’s the time of year where people will be setting expectations for a joyful Christmas, and planning time to connect with family and friends. However, for many, the festive season can also highlight financial issues, family conflict, loneliness and increase stress for people with anxiety and depression. Some people might start to put too much pressure on themselves, thinking about what they should buy or do for others, while others might dread catching up with family because it may end in conf... CONTINUE READING

Christmas can get stressful – some tips for a positive festive season

With the festive season around the corner, while it’s expected to be the happiest time of the year, for some it can also be a time of increased stress and loneliness. Sadness around the holiday period can be triggered by so many factors including financial stress, loneliness, worry and grief. Social Media When everyone around you seems to be in a celebratory mood, and you are not, it can feel isolating. It’s even more difficult to stop comparing ourselves with others on social med... CONTINUE READING