

How to reduce employee turnover

Employee turnover is something that every business with workers will experience. Yet, when employee turnover does occur, it costs the business time, money and productivity. Businesses with a high employee turnover don’t have to change their operating procedures. Instead, management may want to consider a few key strategies to keep employees happy and satisfied at work so that turnover rates can decrease. Why it’s important to reduce employee turnover While it is unrealistic to bel... CONTINUE READING

The cost of turnover for small businesses

Employee turnover has a range of negative effects on small businesses. From low morale and poor output to negative impacts on a company’s reputation, it’s in a company’s best interest to reduce turnover. Staff are integral to small businesses - they keep operations running and the money coming in. While employee turnover can’t be eliminated, it can be reduced by providing a workplace where people are happy and want to work with you and for you. What is employee turnover Employ... CONTINUE READING

Managing turnover in hospitality

The hospitality industry demands efficiency and excellent service in a fast-paced, high stress environment. Due to this, cafe owners or restaurant managers may find themselves constantly replacing staff. However, by implementing a few key strategies, reasons why hospitality workers typically leave their jobs can be identified and corrected to ensure that turnover can be appropriately managed and reduced. Turnover in the hospitality industry Across industries, hospitality workers were... CONTINUE READING