

Tips for motivating employees and strengthening work culture

Creating a great work culture leads to increased productivity and satisfaction amongst employees. As an employer, you can create a more positive work culture by motivating and encouraging your employees within their roles. Recognising their contributions and celebrating their talents will help you progress towards a working environment where employees feel valued, positive, enthusiastic, and motivated to work more efficiently. Why’s a positive work culture important? A positive work... CONTINUE READING

Benefits of flexible working arrangements for your business

With advancements in technology giving people the ability to access important pieces of information wherever they are, there’s no longer a need for employees to work in an office to be productive. Flexible working arrangements allow employees to negotiate a less rigid working arrangement to improve work-life balance and their overall contribution to their company. If your business and its employees are struggling with long commutes, conflicting schedules, and poor productivity; perhaps you... CONTINUE READING

Managing turnover in hospitality

The hospitality industry demands efficiency and excellent service in a fast-paced, high stress environment. Due to this, cafe owners or restaurant managers may find themselves constantly replacing staff. However, by implementing a few key strategies, reasons why hospitality workers typically leave their jobs can be identified and corrected to ensure that turnover can be appropriately managed and reduced. Turnover in the hospitality industry Across industries, hospitality workers were... CONTINUE READING