

8 ways to confidently talk about your disability during every stage of your job search

If you have a disability, you may find it tricky to work out when exactly to tell your employer about it, or, even if you are legally obligated to let them know. In truth, disclosing a disability is completely up to the individual. People with a disability are not legally obligated to let a potential or an existing employer know. However, it is wise to weigh up your options and be prepared to talk about your disability with confidence. Talking about your disability during a job hunt S... CONTINUE READING

Benefits of flexible working arrangements for your business

With advancements in technology giving people the ability to access important pieces of information wherever they are, there’s no longer a need for employees to work in an office to be productive. Flexible working arrangements allow employees to negotiate a less rigid working arrangement to improve work-life balance and their overall contribution to their company. If your business and its employees are struggling with long commutes, conflicting schedules, and poor productivity; perhaps you... CONTINUE READING

8 tips for getting hired after a career break

Entering the workforce after a career break can be intimidating. No matter how long you’ve been away from your role or the reasons for your break, trying to ‘fill in the gaps’ in your resume is stressful. While taking a career break may seem like a roadblock to career progression, it can be a very good opportunity to learn new skills and gain a better insight into what you want out of your next job. This is the perfect time to regroup and bring your very best self to your next job inter... CONTINUE READING

How to write a good resume

A resume is the most important document when applying for a job. Nailing your resume is essential, since it’s the first thing an employer sees. Your resume should outline your educational and working history and essentially make you stand out from all other job applicants. Creating a well-written resume is a must; it doesn’t matter how qualified you are or how suitable you are for the job, if your resume is poorly written then you’re unlikely to make it to the interview stage. The followin... CONTINUE READING

Royal Commission Into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with a Disability

Ability Options is looking forward to engaging in the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with a Disability. We see it as a real and positive opportunity to identify and make the changes needed to ensure that people with a disability are respected for their worth, treated with dignity and respect and can fulfil their potential as equal citizens, safe and free from violence, abuse, neglect and exploitation. We want to contribute to shaping future policy, l... CONTINUE READING

Managing turnover in hospitality

The hospitality industry demands efficiency and excellent service in a fast-paced, high stress environment. Due to this, cafe owners or restaurant managers may find themselves constantly replacing staff. However, by implementing a few key strategies, reasons why hospitality workers typically leave their jobs can be identified and corrected to ensure that turnover can be appropriately managed and reduced. Turnover in the hospitality industry Across industries, hospitality workers were... CONTINUE READING

5 things you didn’t know about Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a mental illness that often gets misunderstood and misrepresented in popular media. What do you really know about Schizophrenia? You might be surprised. On Schizophrenia Awareness Week, let's explore some common myths and surprising facts you may have not known. Myth or fact? Having schizophrenia makes having a job impossible Truth Schizophrenia can make it harder for you to land a job and go to work every day. But with the right treatment, many peopl... CONTINUE READING

5 questions you always wanted to ask about Autism

To break down some stereotypes about autism, we spoke to one of our team members, Jakob who shares his personal experiences with us and answers some questions that you may have otherwise never had the chance to ask. Jakob has become an advocate of autism and openly talks about it in an effort to educate and inform people.... CONTINUE READING

Christmas can get stressful – some tips for a positive festive season

With the festive season around the corner, while it’s expected to be the happiest time of the year, for some it can also be a time of increased stress and loneliness. Sadness around the holiday period can be triggered by so many factors including financial stress, loneliness, worry and grief. Social Media When everyone around you seems to be in a celebratory mood, and you are not, it can feel isolating. It’s even more difficult to stop comparing ourselves with others on social med... CONTINUE READING

How to take care of yourself while caring for others?

As a carer or family member supporting a loved one, you have a tremendous impact on the life of the person you provide care for, whether it is a family member or a friend. As a carer, the everyday commitment of advocating for your loved one and providing the best possible care can sometimes lead to burnout, anxiety and the negative feelings that can trigger depression. According to the National Health Institute, the risk of carers experiencing depression is 30 times higher than non-carers. Ca... CONTINUE READING