

What is NDIS Plan Management?

Each time you access a service or purchase a piece of equipment with your NDIS funding you are entering into a financial transaction which is subject to the rules and regulations of the NDIS. Plan management is a choice regarding who will be responsible for tracking your budgets and paying your service or purchase invoices. For some people living with disability managing finances can seem a daunting task, so it’s important to consider how you’re going to administer your NDIS funding.... CONTINUE READING

The Benefits of Employing Someone with a Disability

There is a common misunderstanding that a person living with disability will require more attention and resources from their employer. Lack of awareness and unconscious bias has contributed to the stigma that people with disability are a liability to their employer, rather than a valuable team player. But don't just take our word for it! Research states that these perceptions do not match reality. Let’s explore the facts. Employing people with disability enhances an organisatio... CONTINUE READING

5 Key Benefits of Hiring Young People

With 18% of the Australian youth labour force underemployed the employment outlook for many young Australians is profoundly different than it was for past generations. – SMH, March 2017 With youth underemployment rates the highest they’ve been in 40 years it’s more important now than ever to... CONTINUE READING

A Guide to Picking a Disability Employment Provider

If you live with a diagnosed health condition, injury, illness or disability you could be eligible for extra employment support through the National Disability Employment Service (DES). If you are eligible for the Disability Employment Service you get to choose which DES provider you use. It is your right to choose your DES provider and change providers if you wish. This right is protected by the... CONTINUE READING

5 Helpful Tips to Prepare You for Employment

Looking for work can often feel overwhelming, but there are things you can do right now to stay positive, stay sharp and start prepping for the job search process. Here are our top 5 helpful tips to prepare for employment: 1. Overhaul your resume Highlight your experience. If you have 10 –15 years' experience in the workforce, it might be time to remove some of your entry level jobs from the past. Highlight your most important past role... CONTINUE READING

How to choose a NDIS Service Provider

Confused on how to pick a NDIS Service Provider? We’ve put together a handy guide with 5 quick tips on important things to consider when deciding on a NDIS Service Provider. So, you or someone you care for has an approved NDIS Plan and you’re ready to start using that funding! NDIS Service Providers cover a broad spectrum,... CONTINUE READING

The Business Benefits of Workplace Diversity

Organisations that embrace workplace diversity are not only great places to work, but also hold a competitive business advantage. Workplaces that value, understand and accommodate difference have the ability to draw on a range of experience, knowledge and perspectives in decision making and team building. “A diverse mix of voices leads to better discussions, decisions, and outcomes for everyone.” — Sundar Pichai Workplace diversity can come in many forms. These inclu... CONTINUE READING

What is Support Coordination?

One of the major cornerstones of the National Disability Insurance Scheme is to provide people with disability choice and control over how they live their lives. This includes the flexibility to choose the services and supports you need and decide when and how you want them delivered. If you need assistance with making informed choices about how to best utilise your NDIS funding then you can ask for Support Coordination to be included in your NDIS plan. Support Coordination is an NDIS fund... CONTINUE READING

Our new personalised disability accommodation solutions

No matter who you are, everyone needs a place they can call home. For National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants, Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) sets out to achieve exactly that.   With a current unmet demand for SDA housing, there is an opportunity for providers to positively impact the lives of man... CONTINUE READING

Taking Care of Yourself as a Carer: Practical Tips for Balancing your Wellbeing

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